Returning the momentum

Hello everyone!

After what seemed like a very long, yet quickly ended vacation, I’m back once more…

It was not a bad vacation – though I felt like I had no significant achievements done, school or work related, at least…

I have began reading the One Piece Manga, and have managed to go from Chapter 1 to 220 in a week…

Don’t get any wrong ideas, I also had time for friends and family. I did not confine myself in front of the computer the entire time… ^_~

So far, I have managed to do some updating in Mauru’s Realm… I got rid of the pop-up that asks the visitor’s name. I think it gets a little annoying to other visitors (including me XD) plus it slows down loading for the page… I still have a lot of stuff to do regarding the redesign… I’m getting tired of the design already. Hey, I used it for more than two years already, you know. ^_^

Well, that’s all for now. See you around!

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