Situations at the office is making me feel down…
I don’t have my own office, just some table thing with dividers. Heck, I don’t even have my own cabinet than can be locked. I leave most of my stuff (specially office supplies and materials) on my table, placed in this rack…
A few weeks ago, I lost my correction tape. It was not even office property. I must have forgotten it on my table, and when I needed it, it could no longer be found.
Today, I went to use my post-its. It’s in the file rack that I use, and it even got this neat little container. I was really pissed when I saw that half of it was already done. Some idiot must have taken it. Man, the situation at work is not fun as it is, and my stuff disappearing is not much of any help… Darn it… >:( [/rant]
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