I’ve been browsing the web for a while and have been looking for stuff that could help web developers (like me) improve their site’s visitors… and most of them are from google.
Using Google’s Analytics on your site can give you insightful concepts and ideas on what you can do to improve your site. It gives you statistics and other information that you can use.
If you need to have a hand on what is going on in the world of the internet, Google Trends will be a great place to go. It features top searches that google visitors are using. What are they searching for at the moment, what does the chart say about it? Is the trend increasing or is it decreasing. If you happen to be in the trend category that is rising, it can help you act fast and drive those visitors to your site.
Google’s Webmaster Tools can give you handy tools that can improve your site. Want to know who linked your site? Want to know who subscribed to you RSS? How about diagnose those missing pages? This can do those, and more for you.
Another good way of driving traffic to your site by making use of Web 2.0 sites, or social networking sites. Twitter, Facebook, Myspace… all these sites could potentially improve your web traffic – depending on your posts, of course. There are a lot of information on the web on how to make use of them, but here is a simple guideline: visitors want to be updated, without necessarily registering to your site. Visitors do not need to register to your site to be updated. They have accounts in those social networking sites. They just have to add you or follow you or whatever it needs, to be connected to you, and be updated. But it is not a one-way deal… You, as the web developer, can also get to know your visitors and keep in touch with them, building loyalty and trust.
I hope this could be of use to you, or someone you know.
See you later.
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